Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sarah Palin and Foreign Policy

An analysis of Palin's interview with Couric, and the fundamentally frightening weaknesses revealed even beyond her stammering clutching at talking points.

John McCain and the Lying Game

Here, Time Magazine (online) discusses the unprecedented nature of McCain's smear campaign.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Section 8

Read this, regarding the proposed bailout (and a groundbreaking betrayal of the concept of checks and balances.)

I can't say it better than the writer of this article

First post?

One of my friends posted a rant on Facebook, and responding to a part of it that touched on frustrations I've had come growling to life in this election season inspired the below short post.

--If this is a federal crime about Palin's privacy, why is it the media simply yawned when it got leaked that every household in the states is wire tapped?--

Because it was 'perfectly legal.'
The problem is that the (mass market) media today is a business, serving the lowest common denominator in the interest of readership numbers, and not a vehicle of protest.

It's not the media's perceived place to call attention to a problem within the system (and I hate to use such college-reactionary jargon.)

As it stands, it's illegal for a private citizen to invade the privacy of another, but the downside of the representational democratic process is that unless we protest, we've essentially signed an agreement to abide by the decisions of our politicians; in this case, who's allowed to invade our privacy and what they can do with the extracted data. It's an infinitely huger thing but the same as the little waiver you sign when you get Facebook: anything you do here can be analyzed and sold, basically.

The only thing we can do to check the actions of our representatives is to educate ourselves and encourage others to do so. It's an extremely classist thing to say, but the last eight years can be laid at the feet of the understandable self-interest of the few, and the criminal ignorance of the many.

Who can we blame for perpetuating that?